St. John's Head, Hoy

St. John's Head, Hoy
16 x 26 cm

The ferry crossing from Scrabster to Stromness in the Orkney Isles must be one of the finest in the UK. There is the usual excitement of a journey over the sea to an island, but this one also has the bonus of the spectacular cliffs of Hoy. When the tide and sea conditions are right, the ship sails quite close to the coast, giving a good view. The most well-known feature is the sea-stack of The Old Man of Hoy, but surprisingly it is completely overshadowed by the 351m cliffs of St. John's Head, which are the highest in Britain.


  1. Hi Mr.Tilley,
    This is absolutely magnificent, one can taste the joy if the Ferry ride!

  2. Hi Keith, I know this trip well and you have captured the scale of those cliffs beautifully. I hope you are enjoying this lovely spring weather where you are.

  3. This is just wonderful. I love the simplicity and stoic nature of the cliffs...and the palette.

  4. A...Hoy there Keith!HAHA!! Couldn't resist the chance for a pun!

    All "punning aside... this is a wonderfully painted watercolour Keith!

    You have captured the full feeling of the stunningly vertical350 meter cliff.

    But you have as well created such warmth and tranquility with your splendid use of closely valued tones in your water and sky.

    A real gem Keith!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  5. Hi Caroline,I thought you might like this one.

    This weather is very nice isn't it.

  6. Thanks René, this is scenery at it's best as well.

  7. Hi Bruce, nice one! :D

    Thanks for looking in.

    All the best,

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  10. love the drama of these rocks keith

  11. Yes it's a dramatic subject Rob.


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