Ben Klibreck

Ben Klibreck and Loch Naver
16 x 26 cm

Ben Klibreck is the second most northerly mountain on the Munro list. It stands in a fairly isolated position, so although I don't think it's a very interesting mountain to climb, it does have tremendous views.

Ben Hee from Ben Klibreck

Ben Loyal from Ben Klibreck

The last time I was there, when I got close to the summit, I came across a ptarmigan. She was looking very agitated and appeared to be trying to distract me away from a nest.

Ptarmigan on Ben Klibreck


  1. Why are all those little bumps called Ben? Btw. have you any discomfort of the ash-clouds form Island?

    Like your work especially the clouding summit, marvelous.

  2. Because Ben was the first one to climb them! :-D

    Actually, 'Beinn' is Scottish Gaelic for 'Mountain' = 'Ben' in English.

    No we didn't see any of the ash cloud here. I was looking forward to a spectacular sunset, but no luck.

  3. Hi Keith you have successfully painted the low cloud over the mountain top so well that it reminded me of the work of James Fletcher Watson.
    Lovely painting in earth tones. We had sleet today in Moray! I hope it is better with you.

  4. Hi again Keith!... Everyone has already noted how well that you depicted the cloud shadow on the summit! I love your running commentary and photo suppliments... gives a real feel for the terrain!

    No ash here yet.... BUT! It snowed like the blazes... whiteout conditions when I awoke yesterday. Didn't stay however... but VERY unseasonably cold again today... and very windy!Can't get rid of that W Guy! HAHA!! Maybe another snow scene possible after all!Stay tuned! HAHA!

    Good Painting and climbing!
    Warm regards,

  5. Hi Caroline. Yes it was James Fletcher Watson's technique I was using there: It's very good for that effect.

    We had sleet here as well and, although it's sunny today, it's still cold. It looks like spring with all the lambs and flowers, but it doesn't feel like it!

  6. Hi Bruce. Glad you liked the piece.

    I hope none of that white stuff is coming this way, it's cold enough here already!

  7. another great mountain another great painting keith
    so good how you get down to the essence

  8. [quote]Because Ben was the first one to climb them! :-D

    And does this mean that Loch is the first one that to swim in those lakes?


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